The Action Sports Translator

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The Action Sports Translator is a translation agency that specializes in and exclusively works with action sports and outdoor brands. We’re the translation agency outdoor brands choose when they want to go global ??

We help outdoor brands sell more abroad by translating their marketing and technical content, audiovisual and social campaigns, SEO, apps, and more in almost every language on the globe.

Visit our website at to find out more.

When did we join EOCA?


Why we are involved with EOCA?

Preserving the environment is critical to what we and the companies we work with do – not to mention that our very survival depends on how we treat our planet and its resources.

We’re proud to be part of an industry and group who are all working together to protect, conserve and restore the landscapes we depend on for our livelihoods and lives.

Paying parts of our profits to EOCA means that we can contribute to making a bigger impact than what we could by working alone.

What else do we do to support conservation?

Our CEO Martina Russo is also a co-founder of Protect Our Winters Italy and has coordinate translation efforts for other POW chapters, such as Switzerland and Austria.

Our best green product and why?

We’re a remote-first translation agency, with no office space and 100% paperless operations. We’re also aware of the pollution caused by the internet and digital data, and work to minimize our impact in that area.